Monday, November 11, 2013

Worth a thousand words

Jeff recently got out his skier hat (not that we've ever skied...but he has a skier hat for his bald head.  My sister got it for him from some ski shop a few Christmases ago.  You can see Jeff in action wearing his ski hat here.)  The kiddo's high school's football team has made it into the playoffs and we were preparing for a very cold night at the stadium to watch her cheer.
Jeff decided to give the ole thing a quick Frebreze-ing and let it air out.  So he HUNG IT ON A CHANDELIER.  We have FIVE cats in the house...two of them still technically kittens.  I do not know what the hell he was thinking.

Oh...and about the giant blue vodka box in the background...NO, I don't have a WHOLE CASE of vodka just sitting around on my great-grandfather's sideboard in my computer room.  It's just a box where the liquor store put the Kentucky bourbon and bottles of locally made wine (Acres of Land winery in Richmond, KY) that I bought during my last Kentucky trip.  So yeah, it is an entire box of booze...but not and entire box of super-cheap vodka. (Not helping myself, am I?)

And Yes.  That is a painting of Bears Dancing.

My delightful friend Lori (she of the Chickmaster fame) gave me this painting when she redecorated her own office space because she knew how much I LURVED it.  I had made her swear to me that if she ever got rid of it FOR ANY REASON to let me know.  So she did.

I think that's all that's interesting to note here in this one picture...oh, except I really should probably get that neck pillow off of the coat rack and put it up's only been hanging there since March.

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